045 118 799

طريق الوصل أم سقيم 3

دبى, الإمارات

Stem cell therapy is the future of regenerative medicine!

In Collaboration with Bioscience Clinic and Laboratories, we offer stem cell therapy , which has various applications that help us improve our lifestyle and restore confidence. Treatments are varied such as skin rejuvenation, hair loss, women’s rejuvenation, anti-aging and many more.

The stem cells used in Bioscience are extracted from the patient himself, by taking a sample of body fat, then we isolate and treat the stem cells in our laboratories to reach more than 20 million stem cells. Stem cell treatment is natural without the use of synthetic substances and without side effects because it is extracted from the patient’s own cells.

Stem Cells Therapy

Aesthetic medical treatments with stem cells

The most cutting-edge treatments in aesthetic medicine are based on the use of adipose tissue stem cells (ADSCs, Adipose-Derived Stem Cells). The collagen and elastin produced by the adipose tissue stem cells make it possible to restore a youthful and fresh appearance to the skin. Using stem cells in aesthetic medicine is a new frontier revolutionizing how we approach beauty. With stem cell therapy, we can now achieve results that were once only possible with surgery. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed in an outpatient setting. There is no need for general anaesthesia, or a hospital stay.

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Skin Rejuvenation

The adipose tissue stem cells rejuvenate the skin’s appearance by improving its quality and increasing volume, where necessary, due to collagen and elastin production.

Hair Loss Treatment

This natural method is an excellent choice for people who do not wish to undergo a hair transplant because they are still young or in the early stages of thinning.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation with stem cells is a developing field. Stem cells have the potential to regenerate vaginal tissue and improve vaginal health, but the safety and effectiveness of the procedure are not firmly established. Clinical evidence is limited, and studies lack rigorous controls and peer review. Long-term effects and risks are still unclear. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional for up-to-date information and personalized advice before considering this procedure.

Reduction of scars and stretch marks

Adipose tissue stem cells stimulate the generation of new, fresh, and smooth skin by rebuilding the extracellular matrix and eliminating fibrotic tissue.

The benefits of using stem cells in aesthetics are

A minimally invasive procedure with no downtime

Outpatient procedure

Safe and effective

Natural results

Can be used to treat a variety of aesthetic concerns

Body shaping

Body shaping Creating the perfect hourglass shape doesn’t have to be carried out via artificial implants. Instead, using your body’s stem cells to perform natural body shaping is a much-preferred method in recent years that reduces the risk of infection and other complications risks. The procedure involves collecting a fat sample in which adipose tissue is inherent; stem cells are extracted and utilized to reshape body volumes. Rather than using fat to reshape the body, using stem cells will overcome limitations in volume loss and the risk of forming oily cysts inside body tissue. Stem cell body shaping will give greater control over the procedure’s outcome, rather than waiting for unpredictable results of invasive surgeries, therefore increasing the stability of volume and shape of the body while naturally regenerating skin tissue.

Face reshaping

The use of adipose tissue stem cells provides a natural lifting technique to the face, without having to resort to a scalpel, restoring a youthful appearance to the face with long-lasting results.

Breast augmentation

Using liposuction to remove fat from unwanted areas and using them to increase the volume of the breast is possible with adipose tissue stem cell treatments, guaranteeing a lasting and totally natural result.

Buttock enhancement

Adipose tissue-derived stem cells are used to reshape the buttocks without having to insert anything artificial or use pure fat used in Brazilian butt lifts. Using liposuction, the procedure creates the perfect buttock shape while eliminating unwanted fat deposits in other areas. Penis enlargement

Penis Enlargment

Using stem cells and injecting them directly into the penis provides a solution to size insufficiency. LIPOSKILL PLUS helps overcome this characteristic and improve the quality of life by increasing the penis volume with totally natural results.

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مستشفى قطينة التخصصى - دبى

طريق الوصل, أم سقيم 3,

دبى, الإمارات

Phone: (+971) 045 118 799

إيميل : yalla@qsh-dubai.com


    Exosomes are an exciting new field in regenerative medicine that holds the possibility and promise of using a variety of body cells to regenerate, heal and repair.

    An Exosome is a tiny particle produced by virtually every cell in the body. Best described as a bubble-like particle, Exosomes contain proteins, DNA, mRNA, and micro RNA, which are used to act as a messaging device between cells. Used primarily to communicate important

    The power of using Exosome therapy

    Understanding Exosome therapy for better health

    TExosomes are an exciting new field in regenerative medicine that holds the possibility and promise of using a variety of body cells to regenerate, heal and repair.

    An Exosome is a tiny particle produced by virtually every cell in the body. Best described as a bubble-like particle, Exosomes contain proteins, DNA, mRNA, and micro RNA, which are used to act as a messaging device between cells. Used primarily to communicate important information, Exosomes inform of regeneration and waste management from one group of cells to another.

    Stem cells represent one of the richest and safest sources of Exosomes. Excreted by stem cells, they can be collected, concentrated, and used for several clinical applications. Exosome therapy can help manage degenerative conditions, tissue repair, anti-inflammation, and anti-aging, due to its ability to target injured or aging cells, instructing them to regenerate and repair.

    Advantages of using Exosomes for treatment

    Exosomes are a safe, versatile treatment method used to reduce inflammation and regenerate collagen in aging and damaged human tissues. With nearly a thousand times the amount of growth factors compared to PRP, it provides a better ability to restore and revitalize target cells.

    Exosomes house the ability to accelerate wound healing, improve skin texture, help hair growth and shorten recovery times, restore and repair cell-to-cell communication, and overall cell and body health with long-lasting results of up to two years.

    What can you expect from an Exosome treatment?

    Using highly targeted and flexible methods like Exosomes helps to improve cell communication and tissue repair, successfully slowing down tissue degeneration and the natural aging process.

    When using Exosomes in skin aesthetic procedures, it is possible to boost skin collagen production for up to several years after treatment, naturally improving skin quality.

    There are many treatments in which the application of Exosomes can be discussed. The team at Bioscience will guide you through using donor Exosomes to form the foundation of treatments relating to autoimmune, inflammatory, degenerative, and traumatic conditions through optimizing cell and tissue activity.

    Bioscience methods of using Exosomes

    Exosomes are extracted from human mesenchymal stem cells and thoroughly tested for quality and quantity. Containing valuable lipids, messenger RNA, cytokines, and proteins, our bank of Exosomes will be administered accordingly with the Specialist’s recommendation.

    With its specialized laboratories housing all the equipment needed to carry out any Exosome treatment successfully, Bioscience is the only clinic with the ability to help patients achieve the desired results. Before any procedure, extensive steps are taken to ensure that all products undergo a strict screening process that certifies sterility, safety for use, and endotoxin testing.

    Services, treatments, and therapies offered by Exosomes

    The beauty of exosomes partially lies in their ability to be used in several ways to treat various therapies. As a versatile method of treatment, exosomes can be used for the following:

    Skin treatments

    Fine wrinkles and wrinkles Treatments

    Hair rejuvenation

    Scar treatments

    Aesthetic gynecology

    Arthritis and joints

    Erectile dysfunction

    Exosome facial rejuvenation can increase skin collagen in the treated areas by up to six-fold and increases elastin levels by up to 300%.

    Hair Rejuvenation: Exo Hair

    A significant breakthrough in treating hair loss. ExoHair provides early results that are better than PRP. Mesenchymal-derived exosomes are one of the many exciting new developments in regenerative medicine. In hair restoration, Exosomes help regenerate and regrow hair as a treatment for hair loss in both men and women in the earlier stages of hair loss.

    Scar and stretch marks Treatments: ExoScar

    Scar formation, which myofibroblast aggregations may cause, is the greatest challenge during skin wound healing. Exosomes play essential roles in tissue regeneration; with a similar function to their parent cells, they are easier to store and transport, protecting the bioactive substances they carry from adverse conditions such as pH environments, high temperature, and repeated freezing and thawing. Therefore, exosome therapy may be safer and more efficient than PRP.

    Arthritis treatments: ExoJoints

    Exosomes can be used through localized injections to target specific orthopedic conditions, including promoting joint repair and helping to relieve pain and inflammation.